Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Tactless Tongue - Day 17 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

The Tactless Tongue - Day 17 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone (Col 4:6)

  • Daniel tactfully requested permission to eat kosher
  • Speak with sensitivity and not offensively in difficult or problematic situations
  • "How painful are honest words" - Job 6:25
  • Yahshua was gracious in telling the truth
  • Is there a mean spirit or anger or frustration disappointment or retaliation even when saying the truth
  • "A truth told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent"- William Blake
  • Apologize for tactlessness  
  • Delay speaking to evaluate how our words will impact a person and seek the Rouach Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to lead you
  • Develop emotional discipline to control tact
  • "My words are seasoned with grace as I speak truth in love"

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