Monday, May 27, 2019

The Lying Tongue - Day 1 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

Day 1 The Lying Tongue

  • Any intent to deceive is a lie period.
  • Half truths
  • Exaggerating: a person stretches the truth to make something sound more believable, but then he looses his credibility, because he exaggerates
    • Also makes the person we are talking about loose pride in the truth of their behavior 

Some times we like to exaggerate, and we think it is a good thing. We are just saying the "truth" but just magnifying it...But what impression does this give to someone. Did the bible exaggerate? I sure hope not. I take the bible as literal accounts. Did David really obtain 200 foreskins?
(1 Samuel 18:27 RNKJV)  Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.
I believe the bible tells the story true, without exaggerating. If we exaggerate a story about a person, we actually end up hurting them than exhaling them. If we told this story and said David obtained 300 foreskins, then we would act like the real 200 wasn't enough. This would make David feel inferior. Like his deeds weren't enough for the story to have an impact on the readers.

Even when telling stories, try to abstain from the lying tongue and do not exaggerate.

Come back to (bookmark it) for Day 2 - "The Flattering Tongue"


  1. Sometimes eleborating an event through words has a real purpise. To watch something without a narrative often leaves a message or event unnoticed. God gives us creativity and vision si tgat many times our elborate, some might use the word exzagerated but it may just be a difference in how one person views it from another. I do not nelieve that doing this is bad. Just the opposite. God givrs us the ability to create visions for otjer through colorful words, art and stories
    This is our gift. Many things need to be exagerated yo bring attention to them. It is the individuals use of their intellect to deside how they view the situation. Every truth has perspective.

  2. Matthew 5:37 "But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." I believe it exactly as Jesus puts it. I pray I can do better!
