Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Hasty Tongue - Day 4 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

So far we have done Temptations Strategy Day 3The Flattering Tongue Day 2The Lying Tongue Day 1. Click on the links to catch up.

The Hasty Tongue - Day 4 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

The Hasty Tongue is one I struggle with major. It goes back to yesterday's lesson - Temptation's Strategy. We have to think on thoughts that are pleasing to Yahweh, so we do not say things that hurt other people and dishonor Yahweh. Not only saying the wrong thing, but talking out of turn, and not giving other people the opportunity to be heard.

Surprisingly in my notebook I have very little written on the hasty tongue, but stick around because there is a lot to be learned from these bullets:

  • Depend on the Rouach Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) to direct your speech
  • Listen carefully before answering
  • Don't be quick to make a promise
  • Before Speaking:
  1. 1) Stop
  2. 2) Think
  3. 3) Pray

The thing I am learning most in my internship is to listen. That is one reason why I wasn't good at mental health counseling. I wanted to talk too much. Even now as a recreational therapist I am tempted to just keep talking. My adviser has said that I need to give even more time for them to soak it in and process. 

I think when we are talking to people sometimes we are thinking about the next thing we are going to say and forget about listening to the person who is talking. We need to be considerate that they have something important they want to express. 

Do not be quick to make a promise. Yahweh teaches us to keep our promises. He also teaches us to only take one day at a time. 
(James 4:13-17 The Scriptures 1998+)  (13)  Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow, let us go to such and such a city, spend a year there, and trade, and make a profit,”  (14)  when you do not know of tomorrow. For what is your life? For it is a vapour that appears for a little, and then disappears –  (15)  instead of your saying, “If the Master desires, we shall live and do this or that.”  (16)  But now you boast in your proud speeches. All such boasting is wicked.  (17)  To him, then, who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
We should be hasty to say "If Yah Will's it" I will do such and such. "If Yah Will's it" I will come next week, instead of being hasty to say "I will do it," or "I will go." We need to be aware that we are not not in control. Yahweh has a path for our life. What we plan may or may not what He has planned. We need to always give Honor to Yahweh for His timing., and His power to control our path or commitments. It even says it it a sin to not do something you said you would. eek. We need to repent of our lack of commitment to our word. Try your best if it is still possible to do the thing you said you would. If not apologize and be better next time. Every word will be written down and the adversary will testify against us. Let us honor Yahweh by not making commitments that we cannot keep. Our life is but a vapor in the wind. Yahweh is the one who is in control.

Depend on the Rouach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to direct your speech. I have been blessed with the presence of the Rouach Ha Kodesh. I say this, because I have testimony of when I have let the Rouach lead my conversation. The person I was talking to expressed gratitude, and said that is what they needed to hear. We have to take every opportunity to speak Life and to speak our Testimony to others. We all have a testimony that can reach others. You never know. Simply just stating gratitude and praise to Master Yahweh we can bring light and hope for others
(Psalms 105:1 HRB)  O give thanks to YAHWEH; call on His name; make His deeds known among the peoples.
Come back tomorrow to (bookmark it) for tomorrow's blog "The Divisive Tongue".

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