Sunday, March 30, 2014


HaleuYAH! I had a breakthrough!

I was able to have a spiritual prayer. A two way conversation, where I was able to hear from Yahweh and talk back. :-)

I also had a revelation from Luke ch 1.
The chapter is about Zeḵaryah and Elisheḇa
7And they had no child, because Elisheḇa was barren, and both were advanced in years.

The angel Gaḇri’ĕl appears to Zeḵaryah and says his wife will have a son and his name will be Yoḥanan (John). Zeḵaryah did not believe it would happen so the angel caused Zeḵaryah to become mute.
Then the angel Gaḇri’ĕl appears to Marry and foretells the birth of Yahushua.
31“And see, you shall conceive in your womb, and shall give birth to a Son, and call His Name יהושע.a
 Once Yoḥanan is born everyone is amazed. Especially when Zeḵaryah can speak again and prophesied.

The story is about miracles. It is about one man not believing in a miracle, yet it happens.
I have bipolar disorder and what I get from this story is that a miracle can happen and I can be cured of bipolar disorder and one day I will not have to be on medication. I do not know what that will look like. I might be using a natural remedy or I may just learn to manage my symptoms very well, but however it will come to happen I believe It will come to pass.

I do not think it will happen right away. I believe there is a season in my life for which I need to be on medication. That season is now. Since I was diagnosed at age of 14 I have been on medication, and I have been very stable on the medication (albeit some hiccups). I have been successful in my education, being awarded both a high school diploma and a bachelors of science in psychology with a minor in art. And I am currently applying to attend school to seek my masters in counseling. I believe there is a career for me in counseling and I believe I could possibly make a mark in the field of psychology pertaining bipolar disorder. But to accomplish those things I need to be stable. And right now being stable means taking my medication and sleeping properly. This is my testimony for the season: being stable on bipolar meds and having an accomplished career.

I expect there will be a day when I will be able to have the testimony of being off medication and living life to the fullest in honor of Yahweh. Living as a clean vessel as He created me.

12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of , that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, set-apart, acceptable unto , which is your reasonable service.
12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of .

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