Friday, May 31, 2019

The Divisive Tongue - Day 5 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

So far we have done: The Hasty Tongue Day 4, Temptations Strategy Day 3The Flattering Tongue Day 2, and The Lying Tongue Day 1. Click on the links to catch up.

The Divisive Tongue - Day 5 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

  • Divide & Conquer is Satan's goal
  • Avoid picking fights
  • Satan will cause us to become offended over harmless statements: 
    1. Satan will make us read more meaning into a statement than was intended
    2. Satan will make us believe someone has impure motives
    3. Satan will make us believe lies
  • Telling someone else will cause division - avoid gossip
  • Keep your opinions to yourself, if it will cause division
    1. Peace is more important than making sure you are right or that your opinion is heard
(Proverbs 20:3) Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling
(Proverbs 17:14) Beginning a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so drop the matter before dispute breaks out.
(Ephesians 6:12 HRB)  For our conflict is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, and with those in authority, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits that are beneath heaven.

The divisive tongue is something that is truly the plan of the devil. We have to be on guard. Yahweh does not want us to be separate from brethren, or family. We have to always seek peace. Many of us have our own opinions, and we want them to be heard. Sometimes it is better to keep your opinions to yourself to prevent quarreling - especially in something such as politics. If you know there is a sensitive topic, say with your family, and you feel like it would benefit you more to keep your opinions to yourself then do it. Seek Peace (Shalom). You want to keep a relationship with your family so just hold your tongue. Let it pass. Have assurance in your choice to stay quiet, because you want to be like Yahushua. 

  • Goal: become an agent of peace trying to reconcile conflict
Come back to (bookmark it) for tomorrow's blog "The Argumentative Tongue".  

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Hasty Tongue - Day 4 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

So far we have done Temptations Strategy Day 3The Flattering Tongue Day 2The Lying Tongue Day 1. Click on the links to catch up.

The Hasty Tongue - Day 4 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

The Hasty Tongue is one I struggle with major. It goes back to yesterday's lesson - Temptation's Strategy. We have to think on thoughts that are pleasing to Yahweh, so we do not say things that hurt other people and dishonor Yahweh. Not only saying the wrong thing, but talking out of turn, and not giving other people the opportunity to be heard.

Surprisingly in my notebook I have very little written on the hasty tongue, but stick around because there is a lot to be learned from these bullets:

  • Depend on the Rouach Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) to direct your speech
  • Listen carefully before answering
  • Don't be quick to make a promise
  • Before Speaking:
  1. 1) Stop
  2. 2) Think
  3. 3) Pray

The thing I am learning most in my internship is to listen. That is one reason why I wasn't good at mental health counseling. I wanted to talk too much. Even now as a recreational therapist I am tempted to just keep talking. My adviser has said that I need to give even more time for them to soak it in and process. 

I think when we are talking to people sometimes we are thinking about the next thing we are going to say and forget about listening to the person who is talking. We need to be considerate that they have something important they want to express. 

Do not be quick to make a promise. Yahweh teaches us to keep our promises. He also teaches us to only take one day at a time. 
(James 4:13-17 The Scriptures 1998+)  (13)  Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow, let us go to such and such a city, spend a year there, and trade, and make a profit,”  (14)  when you do not know of tomorrow. For what is your life? For it is a vapour that appears for a little, and then disappears –  (15)  instead of your saying, “If the Master desires, we shall live and do this or that.”  (16)  But now you boast in your proud speeches. All such boasting is wicked.  (17)  To him, then, who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
We should be hasty to say "If Yah Will's it" I will do such and such. "If Yah Will's it" I will come next week, instead of being hasty to say "I will do it," or "I will go." We need to be aware that we are not not in control. Yahweh has a path for our life. What we plan may or may not what He has planned. We need to always give Honor to Yahweh for His timing., and His power to control our path or commitments. It even says it it a sin to not do something you said you would. eek. We need to repent of our lack of commitment to our word. Try your best if it is still possible to do the thing you said you would. If not apologize and be better next time. Every word will be written down and the adversary will testify against us. Let us honor Yahweh by not making commitments that we cannot keep. Our life is but a vapor in the wind. Yahweh is the one who is in control.

Depend on the Rouach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to direct your speech. I have been blessed with the presence of the Rouach Ha Kodesh. I say this, because I have testimony of when I have let the Rouach lead my conversation. The person I was talking to expressed gratitude, and said that is what they needed to hear. We have to take every opportunity to speak Life and to speak our Testimony to others. We all have a testimony that can reach others. You never know. Simply just stating gratitude and praise to Master Yahweh we can bring light and hope for others
(Psalms 105:1 HRB)  O give thanks to YAHWEH; call on His name; make His deeds known among the peoples.
Come back tomorrow to (bookmark it) for tomorrow's blog "The Divisive Tongue".

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Temptation's Strategy - Day 3 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

Temptation's Strategy - Day 3 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

  • Confuse Reality
  • Make evil seem good
  • Exaggerates the truth or falsifies to bring us into believing the lie 
  • Makes us question the character of Yahweh
  • Leads us to concentrate on the temptation instead of Yahweh
    • - focus on cons rather than on pros
  • Always pay close attention to the details of what Yahweh tells us; if we don't the devil will skew our thoughts
(Genesis 3:1-6 RNKJV)  Now the serpent was more subtitle than any beast of the field which YHWH Elohim had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath Elohim said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?  (2)  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:  (3)  But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.  (4)  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:  (5)  For Elohim doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be like Elohim, knowing good and evil.  (6)  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
We need to learn the ways of the enemy. The notes I have are clearly shown in the story of the original sin. The adversary confused reality, made evil seem good, and made her question that Yahweh did not have her best interests in mind - you shall surely not die but on contrary you will be made wise. It was evil for her to know those things. If only she could have stayed innocent and loved Yahweh for eternity.

(James 1:14 ESV)  But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
We have to be careful of our own desires. Are our desires the same as Yahweh. We need to be careful that we first obey the commands of Yahweh, then our desires must not go contrary to those commands. We need to honor Yahweh in all we do.

(Genesis 4:7 ESV)  If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it."
The below picture is the Hebrew phrase you must rule over it. Taken from Gen 4:7. I am a testimony when you meditate on that scripture you can overcome the strongholds of sin in your life. When you replace the temptation of sin with "Tim-Sal-Bow" (Hebrew pronunciation) - "You must rule over it," (English translation) You too can overcome strongholds. 

We must resist the temptation to say something that does not give glory to Yahweh. You must rule over it - Tim-Sal-Bow. We will be accountable to every word that comes out of our mouth at judgement day.

Come back to my blog @ (bookmark it) for tomorrow's blog "The Hasty Tongue" 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Flattering Tongue - Day 2 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson, and other commentary from my own reflection.

The Flattering Tongue - Day 2

  • People flatter to get favors in return
  • Favor is a benefit from Yahweh - of being in right standing with Him
  • The Children of Yahweh do not need to resort to any form of self effort
  • Yahweh destroys those skilled at flattery
  • Flattery's motive is to gain favor in the one they flatter 
    • - Gain material tangible  stuff 
    • - Gain intangible stuff like acceptance
  • Favor is a fringe benefit of being in right standing with our creator
    • - Not gained by flattery
  • The children of the Most High never had to resort to any form of self effort in  order to ingratiate themselves for gain or survival
  • When you flatter your words will wilt and loose all impact
(Psalm 5:12) For Surely, Oh Yahweh, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
(Psalms 12:3 RNKJV)  YHWH shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things:
Romans 2:1-8 Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of Yahweh's mercy to offer your bodies as  living sacrifices Kodesh (holy) and pleasing to Yahweh - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Yahweh's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will
[The following was taken from the journal when I did this study many years ago]

I have offered my self as a living sacrifice to Yahweh and I feel like his is revealing his Will to me, yet it is getting confusing. Is it really the truth? "Do not conform to the pattern of the world" but I also have to obey my parents. What should I do? It says test and approve Yahweh's will which is where I am; I am trying to find out what is the Will of Yahweh for me. Yahweh please give me clarity and discernment.

[Current Live Commentary about my past]

There was a time in my life where I was searching for the Will of Yahweh. In the christian churches they teach about the Will of Yahweh. They teach about this "mystical" Will. Like Yahweh himself will tell you exactly what to do with your life. What job to take or what education to take. I learned later that scripture tells us what the Will of Yahweh is. You can read about it in my Facebook note click here to read it.

I do know that it was a very critical moment in my life when I decided to honor my parents when choosing a spouse for myself. How could I be doing the Will of Yahweh if they did not approve of the guy I was dating. I severed that relationship and I am happy that I did. Yahweh had BETTER plans for me and gave me the man of my dreams Christopher Morgan.

So how does all this relate to the Flattering tongue? Well I assume some people may flatter you to get what they want? It is manipulative. I would assume the guy I was dating was flattering me to manipulate me to look over all his faults. Yahweh wants to speak truth to your life. He wants you to speak truth in other people's lives. You might be disrupting the Will of Yahweh by using the flattering tongue. Yahweh likes people's faults to be exposed. He wants to mold us and shape us so that His Name will be glorified. Not your name.

Come back to (bookmark it) for tomorrow's blog "Temptation's Strategy"

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Lying Tongue - Day 1 "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue"

I am doing a study on "30 Days to Taming Your Tongue". Come along with me as we look at how we can honor Yahushua with the words we say.

This study is based on the book "30 Days to Taming you Tongue" by 
Read Reviews and Links to buy the book at Good Reads.

What I will be writing here is notes I have from when I read the book. It is designed to give you an overview of major points in that day's lesson. And other commentary from my own reflection.

Day 1 The Lying Tongue

  • Any intent to deceive is a lie period.
  • Half truths
  • Exaggerating: a person stretches the truth to make something sound more believable, but then he looses his credibility, because he exaggerates
    • Also makes the person we are talking about loose pride in the truth of their behavior 

Some times we like to exaggerate, and we think it is a good thing. We are just saying the "truth" but just magnifying it...But what impression does this give to someone. Did the bible exaggerate? I sure hope not. I take the bible as literal accounts. Did David really obtain 200 foreskins?
(1 Samuel 18:27 RNKJV)  Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.
I believe the bible tells the story true, without exaggerating. If we exaggerate a story about a person, we actually end up hurting them than exhaling them. If we told this story and said David obtained 300 foreskins, then we would act like the real 200 wasn't enough. This would make David feel inferior. Like his deeds weren't enough for the story to have an impact on the readers.

Even when telling stories, try to abstain from the lying tongue and do not exaggerate.

Come back to (bookmark it) for Day 2 - "The Flattering Tongue"