Thursday, May 14, 2015

Feeling Faith Fact

by Unknown

Three men were walking on the wall
Feeling Faith and Fact
Feeling took an awful fall
Faith was taken back
Only Fact remain
Then Fact pulled up Faith
Faith pulled up Feeling
And they walked on the wall again

Monday, May 11, 2015

Just Wait

By Unknown
Everyone Longs to give themselves completely to someone.
To have a deep soul relationship with another,
To be loved thoroughly and exclusively.
But YHWH says to his children,
No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by me alone,
Discovering that only in me is your satisfaction to be found -will you be capable of
The perfect human relationship that I have planned for you.
You will never be perfectly united with another until you are united with me  -
Exclusively of anyone else,
Exclusive of any other desires or longings.
I want you to stop planning.
Stop wishing,
And allow me to give you the most thrilling plan existing,
One that you cannot even imagine.
I want you to have the best.
Please allow me to bring it to you.
You just keep watching me, expecting the greatest things.
Keep listening and hearing the things I tell you.
You just wait
That's all.
Don't be anxious,
Don't worry.
Don't look around at the things that others have gotten or that I have given them.
Don't look at the thing you think you want.
Just keep looking off and away up at me.
Or you will miss what I have to show you.
And then, when you’re ready, ill surprise you with a love far more wonderful than
any you would have ever dreamed of.
You just wait, until you are ready and until you are ready and until one I have for you is ready.
I am working even at this moment to have both of you ready at the same time.
Until you are both satisfied exclusively with me, and the life I prepared for you,
You won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with
The Perfect Love.

There Is No Room For Sadness

"There is no room for sadness in heart that has Yahushua,
There is no room for sadness in the heart that loves Yahweh
I sing with great joy I sing of his goodness
there is no room for sadness in the heart that loves Yahweh"

Listen to the song "There's No Room For Sadness" by Hillel Ben Yochanan

I was depressed for many months. I isolated myself. I was captive to my bed. I was stuck in the muck of my sheets. I did nothing but stay in bed browse the internet, go to work. I neglected my school work. I even neglected hygiene and house chores. I was in a bad place. 

I last semester in the fall I was majorly manic. I think the depression is the result of crashing from that episode. The doctors tried to fight it with some antidepressants, but they weren't working. I finally got a new doctor who knew which medicine to use, and it brought  me out of the depression right away. It actually brought me in a state of hypomania. which means I was hyper. My body wanted less sleep and I was talking fast and had an elevated mood. It was not full blown manic though, because I was still on my meds. I wasn't having delusions or hallucinations.

But back to talking about spirituality.

What I can testify is that my bipolar disorder is very spiritual. Every time I have been manic I have been extremely spiritual. There must be some scientific explanation for this. I want to do research on this topic, maybe for my PhD.

When I was in the mental hospital there were other people who were also very spiritual. It goes both way though too.... it could be a spirit of Yahweh or it could be an evil spirit that is in charge of the person who has the mental illness. From my observations and from my own experience, I believe that people when mental illness have a heightened sensitivity to spiritual beings.

It is very interesting.

So back to the song "There Is No Room For Sadness" When I heard this song I was touched. Because the message is so true. Yahushua loves us so much! We have so much to be thankful for! No matter what the circumstances in our lives there is no reason why we should not be rejoicing over the fact that Yahushua has SAVED us from DEATH!

That is all there is to it. We are alive! That is something to rejoice about! I AM ALIVE BECAUSE YAHUSHUA DIED FOR ME!!! HALEUYAH!!!

I can now commune with Yahweh! HALEUYAH!